Health has become so complicated these days. Information is coming at you from all directions. How do you know what information to trust?

In these videos, Dr. Lawson discusses a wide variety of topics. The topics are distilled down to very approachable content that can be easily understood. The information in these videos can be enjoyed for your own information and can also be helpful in facilitating more effective, two-way conversations with your doctor.

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Hi, I’m Dr. Lawson

Dr. Lawson is a physician who practices both primary care and functional medicine. She is board certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Medicine. She was certified in functional medicine in April of 2017 by the Institute of Functional Medicine.

Dr. Lawson believes in a "whole person/whole systems" approach to managing chronic illness and preventing disease. She loves learning and is always continuing her medical education. Dr. Lawson believes patients need to be educated about their conditions and have a good understanding of not only their treatment plans, but also the reason behind the treatment plan.